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  * 始创于2007年,至今已有几年的历史
  * 2007年,试营服务
  * 2008年,正试营运
  * 2008年,第二次改版
  * 2009年,推出人才中心服务
    * 2009年开通更多功能
    * 2009年,采集实体信息,(我处人员对各企业实体采编,以确保对信息真实性和可靠性。)
    * 2010年,采集实体信息
    * 2011年,采集实体信息




China Funeral Supplies Network was established in 2007, is the industry authority and the famous funeral supplies industry professional website. All of the funeral site will provide a full range of information products business, information services, and funeral industry supply and demand and cooperation for effective delivery of information and communication. After several years of successful operation, the Chinese funeral supplies network products have become the funeral industry professionals will be on a professional website.

  China Funeral Supplies Network has formed a set of industry information, business data, business information online marketing interactive platform Trinity, with 14 main channels and information centers, business directories, Products, talent center, forums, and other supply and demand information Professional database; industry and product classification as much as 10 series, a variety of categories, more maize seed; active member of the industry chain, many built-in audience groups, became the funeral industry for important information exchange and cooperation platform.

Development of China's network of funeral supplies
    * Founded in 2007, has been a few years of history     * In 2007, the trial operation services * 2008, is trying to operate
* In 2008, the second revision
* In 2009, introduced HR services
* 2009 opened more features
* In 2009, the information collected entities, (I officers of the various business entities editing to ensure the authenticity and reliability of information.)
* 2010, the collection of information entities
* 2011, the collection of information entities

Our features:
     A, and constructive. Purpose of innovation is better to change the status quo, innovation, constantly looking for people breaking the daily Council is the essence of lighting network.
     B, and creativity. Network requires constant innovation; Chinese funeral supplies net always catch up with the mentality of innovation and knowledge era.
     C, constantly changing. Adapt to the challenges, always seeking new technologies and new services; to customer satisfaction as the ultimate goal to pursue.
     D, self confidence. We are confident all staff will provide the best products, best service.

Our advantages: :
     A, uniqueness. Present a unique collection of professional funeral supplies entities website.
     B, professionalism. Many funeral business information companies publish here monthly search industry professionals in the business opportunities here.

Our aim: to connect buyers and sellers to provide trading platform. For the buyer to find the best seller; the seller to find a suitable buyer.

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 联系人:  李永金   联系QQ:512476058 909678613 QQ群:57246203  74857425